Saturday, June 28, 2008

An Unexpected HARTAL

June 27- Friday was an unexpected holiday which caused as much trouble as the joy upon hearing it was one...Because the day had been declared a HARTAL by the BJP who claim their seemingly peaceful protest against a new school textbook was violently disrupted by the the joint forces of the DYFI and the police. Now, first and foremost let me ask one question...Does calling a hartal bring solace or heal the wounds of the injured activists? Does it solve the quarrel over the textbook? Do they believe they can gain the peoples' support by calling a hartal which disrupts the life of a normal man? I CERTAINLY DON'T THINK SO..The only ones who love a hartal are the children, who love any reason for an unexpected holiday. Let me tell you the hardships my friends who live near my college CET, would have faced on an average hartal day. Since there is an absolute lack of transport on a hartal and also as my college is on the outskirts of the city, not even the occational auto would be plying. The students who need to go someplace have to rely on either the muscle power of their legs or catch a lift from someone who owns a vehicle. Then, there is the more urgent matter of food.No hotels, no shops....NOTHING.. Thankfully, this time around the college union made sure that the Canteen would be working. And then there was the inconvenience caused to many. Like for me, Friday was the last day before study holidays..the last day I would have gotten to see everyone together before the exams. I guess the politicians wouldn't understand the emotional turmoils and damage they cause by calling a hartal. Is this the only way they can voice their protests and woes? And do they gain anything..?? NADA..ZILCH...

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