Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Se@rch...

"Its not about being happy,
Its about whats best for everyone"
Someone extremely close to me said these words and
they just triggered off the poem which had been echoing
in my mind since then. Only just got over my laziness
to type it up and put it in my blog. Here it goes...

The Search....

Memories, they never fail to change me
The power of our friendship none could see:
Still the strength to cheer me, to lift
My desolate thoughts, in the face of any rift....

Living in the past, that being safe
Nothing could hurt anymore I thought, as the knife
Twisted deeper and gouged out more
Than I had of me....The heart's the core
Just a mass of flesh beating in tandem
With the brain forcing the mind to be random...

Yet, I continued to fight, to remain the same
The fates contrived against it, making a game
Of beating me down, driving the point home
Change is essential; Else aimlessly I roam.

Tears, long since dead on my cheek
Yet I am vulnerable, unknowingly I seek
My better half; My other half; Where have you gone?
The search for you continues, but I remain alone...


Priya said...

dont worry,the better half will turn up sooner or later!!why fear wen i'm here!!
and btw very good poem...you havent lost the meaning of the poem in the attempt to make it rhyming which is wer i always go wrong....good going keep it up...and i think class time isnt the best of times to write poems!!!:x

Anonymous said...

...better half will cum soon in better manner...be happy...enjoy life.....ACCEPT IT :)

Anonymous said...

rhyming gets to my heart so easily!!! sigh...n de secnd stanza is really good....one of ur better poems...

Anonymous said...


the pilgrim said...

Good poem, I must say...
As u pointed out rightly, things must change, lest life becomes dull and meaningless...
keep writing, we expect more from u...

happynuts said...

Hey gr8 poem...
exactly d same thing whch was goin through my mind wen i had my break up...
u jus made my eyes wet...
Keep it up...
u r really improving as a poet...:)