Friday, January 16, 2009

Black N White

There would be a time in everyone's life when the illusion that everything could be categorized into two completely opposite groups, vanishes ; that one could group his experiences into BLACK or WHITE.. Into HAPPY or SAD.. Into TRUE or FALSE.

Some things happen without any reason however much you try to dissect an event and try to find out what went wrong, you'll still fall pitiably short. Speculations and guesswork wouldn't do much good to the state of mind either, though right now its being said that being sad is good for the health and according to my good friend malladi, unhappy is so "IN" and I do tend to agree with her.And pray, if you do find an answer to the questions eating you up, you may not find it swallowable..Might even lead to further turmoil.

So, why am I talking all this nonsensical things, you might be wondering? Cause right now my mind is undergoing major turbulence. I can't get a grip on my thoughts, as anyone reading can understand and they keep changing fluctuating like the share market. Some are fortunate enough to see a clear distinction in everything they do to classify things into a stack of 'what is right' and 'what is wrong'. Most are not so. For me the grayish region between black and white is growing larger day by day.

I study yet I don't learn... I don't study yet I learn...

The phrases are my own, I don't know if anyone has said those before me. Maybe it is the post exam syndrome [PES] that I am suffering from. I crammed for the exams, but can I honestly say I it was a learning time for me? What life has taught me so far, was not by sudying. It was by experience. Do I think studying will help me learn? To be a better person? To survive and emerge the BEST there is? Maybe... As I said before, some things you do in life for no reason.

Kinda twisted na? That's the state of my soul now.If anyone could motivate me and take the disillusionment away from me, WELCOME... स्वागत...

In fact I would be eternally grateful to you..
May God guide me and be with me..


happynuts said...

Yeah u hav definitely succeeded in confusing d reader. I thnk dis is a symptom of POST EXAM SYNDROME.

The medicine is here dear friend. Do the YES Plus course & u'll surely get d change u want & much more.

Please dont post nymore confusing blogs...!!!

the pilgrim said...

Only an ignorant fool can categorize stuffs into black or white. A wise learned man would say that everything is grayish: that there is no pure good or pure evil. The greatest good is only half so- it is, in fact, half evil; just as the greatest evil is half good.

So, I must say that you have finally started realizing the truth, congrats.

Nb: I don't know what, but the post lacked something in its language. I can't pinpoint on anything, but there's something amiss here. Maybe you aren't completely involved with the writing process.

Anonymous said...

A typical teen you are.It good that
you started realizing yourself.
A path to maturity.
But do not get devoured by your

Asphalt Girl said...

Hang in there da :) Everything is only for the better.

sherin said...

i don't know if your mind was really out of your grip when you wrote this..but to me everything made sense and i could relate very much to we are celabrating yet another exam festival