Wednesday, May 12, 2010

IN & OUT OF LH - Part 1

When my friends asked me to write an article, they understood that my experiences will certainly be unique. Initially a daysci (1st year), then an LH ite (2nd year) and finally back to a daysci (3rd & final year). Though it had been circumstances which brought me into the family of LH-ites, I enjoyed every little moment being a hostelier. Had I not spent the 1 year in LH, I would say I had sorely missed something.


I still remember the stares from the seniors which held the question, “ who the heck is this 1st year, how dare she encroach upon the senior corri?” The room allotted to me was in B-Corri (one of the fun filled as well as kinda nerdy corri, I’d say), room number 20. My first roommate was Pooja Abraham (affectionately called Poochamma), a Thesis archi. She had been a very helpful roomie and put me at ease with my surroundings quite quickly. The first night in LH particularly in a corri filled with seniors for a 1st year (as I was then) can be quite nerve wracking. (My fellow batchmates were yet to shift from the 1st year corri’s after re allotment). My mother, after dropping me off and all the necessary advices had given me a fast food packet which I happily(??) relinquished during my corri intro. Though I’d never trade it for anything else, it was quite a terrifying experience. (It’s like being the piece of meat in the middle of a lair of hungry lion(esse)s.. ) While at the receiving end of the jokes and ribbing, I met all of them with whom I was to spent the following year. Simi chechi-sweet & cuddly though initially I was the most afraid of her; Sreeja chechi-the gadget queen on B-corri; Binsira itha- then the G.sec; Neetha Das a.k.a Daasappan-our very own electronics geek; Ganga chechi and Renu chechi-the archi’s and finally the two who became my roommates after Poochamma: Kanchana Chechi & Jisha Chechi (JJC). JJC was more of a daysci than me (J), nearly always in her LG (local guardian)’s place. Kanchi & Darshu chechi were my two big sisters in hostel. They were the ones I spent time with, who took care of me and I guess got to know me the best. And ofcourse there are my classmates who were my LH mates also: maja, neethu ku, k.t, malu, chinju, & akhila.. Kudos to us all.

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