Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Nights' Goodbyes.....

The blackness of the night offered no solution
To ease the warring factions within my mind...
What Ought I do? Yet to find
The strength and words to say,

In the Twilight hour, I find hating myself
To be the one vested with the power to hurt
Madness, on the fringes of memory seem to lurk..
Resenting my happiness, only sorrow and anguish left.

Like shining teardrops, the stars twinkle at me;
I close my eyes, trying to embrace the darkness deep,
Your words rings in my mind, eluding sleep
Not meant to be; All the promises like glass...

The darkness deepens...Clouds blotting the stars;
I close my mind, submitting myself to the One above...
To those who brought me to this world, leave everythng, I vow
Daring not to think about how barren life was.

The silence widens the chasm between us
Its mysterious depths beyond both you and I,
Until the day when my soul will soar and fly....
Just a word before ending it all..
S O R R Y .