Wednesday, May 12, 2010



The topping of it all is the locations of the acacia forest (popularly called the PANCHARAKKAD) right outside the gates of LH. All the LH-ites have been in the Pancharakkad once at least, be it with friends to while away the time or to play street (or rather, forest) cricket or to hold impromptu food fests or for WiFi access or for combined study (...what??!! ;) ). The reasons would be numerous, each one of the LH-ites would have fond memories regarding the sugar forest. My most cherished memories include the time when my best friend sent me on a treasure hunt to find my birthday present inside the pancharakkad and when I had a birthday celebration with my classmates inside the forest. The place has a certain magic about it which cannot be explained any which way.


A lot many changes have occurred after I left the LH and became a daysci again (as far as I am concerned, the new warden & his rules can go take a hike) but still parting has its own pain... Moving away from this family.. this home which sheltered us, saw us laugh & cry.. held us close for a short while.. how does it feel?

When you want time to stop so that you can capture and hold each one of the many memories close to your heart, it seems to fly away faster. As an LH-ite for a year, I too yearn to hold onto these memories as my batchmates and I step forward to face the unknown future.

All the Best to all of us... Adios!!! Until we meet again....

PS: Nothing beats mom’s cooking though (my friends know this) !!! J

1 comment:

quant88 said...

It's many a times that i've read college experiences on blogs and wondered, "shucks, looks like i missed a lot". Well, this blog, is an answer to all that. now i know, that words and an 'ambitious' writer can gloss so many things over, that life in college can look 'larger than life'. Hilarious. Honestly. I know u have other feelings and everything, but to an outsider who knows (has preconceptions) about LH, this piece is quite close to being a nice little sham.
Great writing though. I like the style. But u didnt have (?).
P.S : I'm no chauvinist.'ting.