Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Love Letter Technically....

To the one who makes my heart do flipflops,

The first time my visual detectors spotted you in their range , my sensors responded that you were someone of my same frequency.....someone whose highly electrophilic nature and my nucleophilic nature was sure to create sparks ; whether they were destructive or constructive I had no idea...... Initially I thought that we were destined to be parallel paths but now my transducer wants them to intersect. You are just like a 100 watt incandescent lamp bulb whose presence lightens up my entire day. Every time you come in my field of vision , my heart starts racing like a 6- stroke engine powered by extra premium petrol fuel. Sometimes the control rod of my mind feels that you are the torque which helps the centrifugal pump of my heart ,beat with double the horsepower. Do not think that my love for you is like a sine wave. I assure you that it is congruent to a tan wave.

Your eyes...... those dark brown orbs with whose laser like intensity you magnetise and demagnetize me repeatedly, I feel I am undergoing hysteresis loops. I know that you are a high flying Concorde and that you’ll take a long time to land. But I believe I can attain Mach 3 speeds along with you. I swear, you are the best heart surgeon in the world , even though you are studying engineering..... because you made a place in my entire heart without any drilling machine or scalpels..... without even shedding an ounce of the viscous fluid blood. The very thought of you ignites my mind and short circuits its wiring systems. Loving you is a risk which has the probability of being blown away by an electric shock when testing a circuitry without insulation. But that is a risk my logical systems has to take .... for the sake of my illogical systems’ satisfaction. My love for you is as pure as 24 carat gold.

As with any couple there will be many undulations in our universe also but I am confident that we will level them as we have very strong and deep pile foundation in our friendship and concrete bonding. There will be many resistances to our bonding but with you as my pair, I have the energy to transform them into conductances just like the inverse function.

The reactions going on in my head were reaching critical temperatures , so I decided my undying love for you had to be proclaimed rather than letting it consume me in its highly spontaneous and exothermic reactions. I have realized that you are the core around which the search coils of my circuits were wound and that your response will trip my life forever.

Being a resistor or a conductor to my move is all upto you , but that wouldn’t change my graph at all. Please integrate my love for you by applying limits from 0 to infinity. I am just like ex which remains unchanged whether differentiation or integration comes along.

Without you , I’m like a rectifier without diode . You are as essential to me as fuel to an engine ; as a king post truss to the castle of my 3-D imagery. Please don’t let my heart remain unresolved for as long as Permat ‘s theorem.

I LOVE YOU , my source of imagination, my inspiration ........... my dear dearest !!!!!!!

Till the fuel of my life ebbs away from me ,

Forever and ever yours

1 comment:

Bhavya.. said...

dis one is so nice..
like a spark plug in petrol engine..gud..