Monday, September 8, 2008

Music Of the Waves

Walking on the sands of time
I am struck by the aptness of it -
The Music of the Waves.....
Like a never ending symphony
They are there to keep me company
In the loneliness of my heart ;
To soothe my frayed nerves,
To console me, To calm me ,
That I'm not alone
In this madness, In this desperation...
Many have trodden along the same path
Some succeed....Some fail....

Some attracted by the music
As moths to the fire
Little knowing, the attraction is fatal
That their mating is forbidden :
Only one ending possible.

Some overwhelmed by the silence
Repelled by the very thought of it,
Refusing to be goaded into her depths
Try finding the notes of her music.

I am confused, where do i belong?
Here also, In life and in death,
Feeling left out..... Out of Sorts
Heart and mind warring with each other
Am I losing control ? Yes, I must be...
Life's numerous twists stifling me,
I continue walking along the line
Between the spark in me
And the flame in her, and her music...
Hoping to find a solution
And maybe Redemption
Hoping against hope that both
Heart and mind agree with the other
But.... I'm a fighter, Not a coward
Who lets the boulder's in life
Push me down and settle over me ;
So, I walk back, to my world
Echoing what must be for
The zillionth time, " Why me???? "

The sea has never failed to soothe my emotions. As always she helps me reach the peace within myself that I had craved for a long time. The fascination with oceans has been there a long time, it seems. I don't think I would be able to put my love for the waters in words.

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